What are Verrucas and Warts?

What are Verrucas and Warts?

A Verruca is simply a wart that is on the soles of your feet, though they can also appear around the toes. It may become rough and bumpy with a cauliflower-like appearance and may develop a black spot in the middle, which is caused by bleeding. Verrucae can remain as single lumps or may spread into a cluster of small warts.

Verrucas & WartsWarts are small rough lumps on the skin caused by a virus (human papilloma virus) which causes a reaction in the skin. Warts can occur anywhere on the body but are most commonly found on hands and feet.

Are warts contagious? Yes, but the risk of passing them on to others is low. You need close skin-to-skin contact and you are more at risk of being infected if your skin is damaged, or if it is wet and in contact with roughened surfaces. For example, in swimming pools and changing areas.

You can also spread the wart virus to other areas of your body. For example, warts may spread round the nails, lips and surrounding skin if you bite warts on your fingers, or nearby nails. If you have a poor immune system you may develop lots of warts which can be difficult to clear.

Prevention of verrucas and warts

To prevent warts:

  • avoid direct contact with another person’s wart
  • don’t share towels with a person who has warts
  • don’t share shoes or socks with someone who has a verruca
  • don’t scratch or pick at a wart, this may encourage it to spread
  • wear flip-flops in communal showers and around swimming pools

Verrucae treatment is quite common in our Clinic – they affect the young and old.  Aside from treating a verruca, we discuss any issues of overall health or stress which can cause a verruca not to resolve.

At the Abbots Langley Foot Clinic we are happy to examine and advise as to whether a verruca needs treatment, and if so, which is the most suitable method of treatment for you.